The Dictionary

If you don't know a BEV from a PHEV then this is the place for you

  • ICE

    Internal Combustion Engine. A traditional petrol, diesel or LPG engine, also known as a petrol or diesel.

  • ICEed

    When an EV charge point has been rendered inoperable by having an ICE car parked in the space. See ‘irritating idiot’.

  • Irritating Idiot

    See ‘ICEed’, ‘ICEing’ and ‘ICE blocked’.

  • ICEing

    When the owner of a petrol or diesel (ICE) car parks in an electric vehicle charging station. See ‘irritating idiot’. Not to be confused with a cake topping.

  • Inverter

    A gadget which is fitted to most electric cars to convert the AC current coming out of the electricity mains socket into the DC power needed by the battery. It’s also fitted to rapid charging points to make them charge a car faster.

  • ICE Blocked

    When an EV charge point has been rendered inoperable by having an ICE car parked in the space. Also see ‘irritating idiot’.

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